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Nursery News March 2022
Flower & Garden Playrooms
This month all of the Rabbits have been learning about the senses. So far, we have investigated the sense of touch, sight and smell. All the children enjoyed lots of activities and making lots of different types of artwork to explore our senses, including guessing games, glow in the dark paintings and textured pictures using sand and other collage materials.
We have been having lots of fun learning about lots of special days which fall at this time of year including Valentine’s Day, Pancake Day, St David’s Day and World Book Day. We made Valentine’s hearts and learned the ‘I made a valentine for you’ song; we helped Louise to make pancakes for a tasty snack and played flipping games in the garden; we tried Welsh cakes and learned about the Welsh flag and we loved book week most of all!
We would like to say a special thank you to our volunteers who came to visit us. The children loved hearing about the world of work and meeting an Author and an Illustrator! We had fantastic costumes this year, enjoyed sharing our favourite books, making our own books and designing book covers.
Latin dancing and music time with Elena continues. We have enjoyed learning new songs about our senses. Keeping active, we have been out and about on our walks in the park, hunting for snow (!) and learning about how the weather is starting to change for Spring.
Squirrels Tree Room
Over the last few weeks in the Tree room the children have been exploring a wide range of activities. We have been interested in “under the sea” animals where we created lovely paintings, read stories and explored sensory trays.
We also made lovely Valentine’s cards for Valentine’s day and discussed the meaning of Valentine’s day and that we love and respect each other. We then went on to learning about farm animals through sensory trays. The children loved this and exploring the different textures of the sand soil water and rice. We also celebrated World Book Day by coming to nursery dressed in our favourite book characters and brought in our own books from home to read with our friends at nursery.
Hedgehogs Den
In the month of February, we welcomed some new friends into the Den and said goodbye to some of our old friends who moved onto the Tree room.
We have been having some lovely walks to the park, when we took some cars with us to roll down the slides and along the ground. We had lots of fun playing on the swings and playing silly games such as peek-a-boo with our teachers.
We have been very focused on painting experiences this month as all the children have shown great interest in this. We added oats to the paint to make it a different texture on our paper and then painted with vegetables such as potatoes and celery sticks. We then used play bricks and cars to create lots of various patterns.
Some of our youngest children have been very good at starting to walk on their own and using the buggies to push around to help them.